Hey Ladies, it is REALLY hard to believe we are two weeks away from Christmas! My holiday gift giving list has grown this year by more than just a few (My Brother and his fam are finally close by, as he is getting out of the Navy soon!) Which means my family gets to have a small get together and have all the kids open presents!
Working from home and adding days of Virtual Home School to the mix means I don’t have a ton of time to get all the gifts I need by driving all over the place! I was able to check EVERYONE off my list using the tools available to me at Walmart.com-– and I am super excited to get gifting!

A couple ways Walmart made my life so much easier this year is that some of the gifts were able to grabbed through curbside pickup if the store had them, being a Walmart + member anything else I needed was shipped quick and for free!
My nieces were a bit of challenge since I am not usually buying girl gifts ( unless its for me LOL) So I utilized the Gift Finder Tool on Walmart.com– this was a quick and easy way to find a gift for them perfect for their ages and what they are interested in!
It can rely Walmart for great prices all season long, so I don’t feel the pressure of needing to bargain hunt my way through the Christmas Season. Its so helpful to be able to grab the gifts I know my family will enjoy, and I can get back to spending time with them!
I won’t leave you hanging on what was on their lists– So I went ahead and included what I bought for all the kids! Not gonna lie, it was so fun picking up new toys! Can’t wait to see their faces!
Gifts For the Boys:
Gifs For the Girls:

I have been getting a TON of Game Room Requests for Gift ideas– I put together a little gift guide for you for some ideas that will be awesome gifts! These would be great for all ages and perfect if you are wanting a larger gift to add to the list!
*Thank you to Walmart for Sponsoring Today’s Post!