Working out has not always been a priority to me. If you have followed me for any amount of time, you may know that I REALLY have struggled with this area of my life. I played sports in school, sure… but once adulthood hit… I working out and eating healthy were NEVER on my list of priorities. But when I had my boys, that changed for me. I began wondering how I was going to keep up with them. How would I do all the things I wanted to do? I said this to myself while I was pregnant with my youngest, and my weight topped out at nearly 300lbs. Now, I am a tall person, but I would literally see photos of myself and not recognize it. I would go up the stairs and get out of breath, and not be able to stand all day. I REALLY let myself get out of control.
I vowed to make sure that I would not let my weight get in the way of ANYTHING anymore. Not my kids, not my activities and DEFINITELY NOT my self esteem and worth. I was better than what I had allowed in my life and I had totally snapped.
This fitness journey that I am on has not been without its bumps in the road and setbacks. Sometimes I do fall back and binge eat or drink. I do talk badly to myself and say that I haven’t made enough progress. Yes… there are those days. And for a while I struggled with the “mommy guilt” of taking time for myself to make this life a priority.
What I have learned though, is that I am more. I deserve more, and so do my kids. I feel that I have a responsibility to do my best to remain as healthy as I can for my family. They deserve to have me be in attendance at their activities and play outside with them. The moral of the story is that when Mommy is better, they are better.
Ok, so cut today… group fitness has really changed the landscape of my life. Not just where I workout regularly, but who I am around and who my friends are. I stumbled upon Orangetheory shortly after the first location opened roughly 4 years ago here in Ohio. I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with this workout. It left me exhausted and energized at the same time. It’s quick pace and heart pounding music had me going back nearly everyday initially. And you might want to know who the ladies are that are pictured with me! Clearly they are telling me what to do! I have introduced the girls in the captions below. From here on out, it’s Jen and Stephanie. I loved having these girls collaborate with me because they are two moms, both with kids of different ages and work hard each day to keep their families running, giving so much of themselves in their classes, and make time for their own personal fitness. Seriously these ladies are killing it, they are so inspiring and just total bosses!

This is Jen…she was my first trainer at OTF– she is so so kind, and has always wanted me to succeed. She inspires me because not only is she giving of herself in classes all day, she trains other trainers at new studios AND has TWO active kids! I don’t know how she does it!

This is Stephanie, we go way back to my early OTF days too. She is always smiling, laughing and pushing us to be better. i LOVE her playlists, she plays my favorite songs all the time! She is inspires me because she too gives a lot of herself to us in class, but she also has two kids…. a Pre-teen AND a baby!
I also collaborated with them because I wanted to know if they have an tips they can share with me (us), on how they make it all work. They both live such busy lives and I would LOVE any tips! We have chatted a bit, and asked them to share something I can take back to you all!
Believe it or not, they BOTH said that one of the keys to their daily success is planning their meals. They are both often short on time and need meals that are quick! Jen likes to prep her food on the weekends.. things like overnight oats and protein pancakes. Stephanie does the same thing and likes to pre cut her veggies or make a smoothie. It’s obviously working for you girls, because Ya Look Amazin’!
Given they BOTH told me that, I asked them to provide a recipe for us for dinner that we can all take and enjoy! I have a few photos of it below as well as a printable recipe for you to try at home. Literally took me 20 tops to prepare it, and its delicious!
They both attribute their own personal fitness success to fitting in a quick at home workout or having a buddy to help keep them accountable to their goals. Stephanie says that she has a lot of home support balancing sports and work– her husband is also really great at making dinner so she loves that he helps with that as well! Sounds like I need an invite Steph!
Both these ladies are super inspiring in their for their own commitments to their health journey, but we should all feel so lucky to have them as coaches and cheering US on in our own journeys!
Thank you to Sarah San Pedro for bringing Orange to Ohio, my life is forever changed.
Thank you to Stephanie Woodrow and Jennifer Bulugaris for your helpfulness and collaboration tips!
Orangetheory Dublin Sawmill Location
Orangetheory Dublin Avery Square Location
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! : Now I know your DYING to try this workout, and I would love to have you come! Orangetheory Dublin Avery Square Location has so kindly opened up a class JUST FOR US! Whether you are a member with a friend who you are dying to bring in, or you just haven’t tried it and you would like to — this is your chance! I am hosting a class on Wednesday August 1, at 8pm!
Whether you are a member, or just want to try, this class is open to everyone! Come workout with me! Register through the front desk VIA Email: or phone 614-852-4222. You can check out their website and location information here.
If you are a member and you want to come to the class, you cannot register for the class on the App– You will need to tell the front desk you are registering.
I can’t wait!
It has been so lovely to Get to know your hEart By reading Your blog. It has been an honor to be on your “it lIst.”
Walking on air over here at otf, thanks fOr all the love!
Thank you so much Sarah! 😉 You are too kind! I am so happy for you and all your success!