Hey girls! I know there is SO much happening and so fast when it comes to the NSale. I have scoured literally the entire sale– so I know, it can be overwhelming. The upcoming seasons of newness is all so exciting, but how can we know we are choosing the best?! We want to shop the sale because we know there are good deals, but how can we sort through it all with such little time?
Let me help you sis. Wanted to share a post I created with my closest friends in mind… My list of Top 5, not overall because I fee like that would be too limiting and we all have different needs. Everything is in categories as a quick reference guide so when shopping opens, you will be ready! 😉
In the Words of Jerry Maguire- “Help me Help you”… Thank you so much for shopping my links it truly means the world! By doing so you support my small business and allows me to keep finding the finds day after day! 🙂 -xo Sarah

DENIM: I am most excited for denim this year, I really don’t have any right now that I am loving– and my favorite brands are in the sale so I am for sure going to grab a couple pair.
BOOTS: I love scooping up new season boots at a deal, since that never happens anywhere ever! Since they are pricey I try to be conservative. Western is still IN — in a very big way! so try a new boot with a little pizazz this fall!
SNEAKERS: Well the cloud monsters are my recent purchase, and now they are on sale– LUCKY YOU so if you have been eyeing those, I would for sure get those. I also have a few others I have my eye on.
BAGS & TRAVEL: I have a few brands I really like– So I added those, solid choices for fall/winter bags.
ACCESSORIES: You know how much I LOVE the CZ earrings. pretty much the only jewels I MUST have at the sale. Such a good deal and they NEVER lose their sparkle. Other than that, there’s a few things that have caught my eye– only really investment pieces are the Michele watches…. do you have one? they look GORGEOUS on, but haven’t quite been able to bite the bullet. Still linked below if ya wanna check them out.
BEAUTY: So there’s lots to love here in this sale, but its not really for the “I think I will try it” since a lot of these are in a larger almost bulk packaging, Its tough to try something and spend near $100 and not like it. So these are items that I have bought, tried and love– so Its great to restock.