Crazy times we are living in friends, two things we know for sure: 1. We are all in this together and 2. It will come to an end. Life as we know it now will be radically different and the world will be better for it. My thoughts and prayers are with those families that are being directly affected by this virus. Thank you to all the health care, first responders, grocery store employees, delivery drivers! You are all making a difference in our lives and we Thank YOU for all you do!

Easter is on the way soon even though our Celebrations will look a little different this year— Our plans will still include our family and we will have a fun brunch with mimosas, set the table, get fresh flowers and wear some bright colors! We are so thankful for the true meaning of Easter and for our family its an important holiday.
We also look forward to the fun baskets, candy egg hunts etc– but this year I am looking for a few fun things OUTSIDE! Quarantine life is a little tough inside and in Ohio our weather gets a little nicer come mid April-so the boys and I thought we could grab a few ideas for you in case you are looking for some!
OUTSIDE THE BASKET! Target candy and chocolate bunnies are galore so I don’t think you need help there. Think it’s a perfect time to grab a few ideas that are perfect for outside!
Another thought we had is do a typical Easter basket and if you wanted to support a local business–grab your local yearly Zoo pass for when they reopen, or an aquarium! Those would be fun activities to get out and still enjoy all the family time we are all getting accustomed to!
On a more adult note, no Easter brunch (at least in my house) is complete without a fun Spring Cocktail– here is a little cocktail inspiration and the one we are making on Easter Morning!

Girls I hope you enjoy this family time and continue to seek the Joy in each day that passes. One day we will look back and see how much our family is closer together ( and how much we learn about Tiger King) and not worry so much about what our kids aren’t learning in school! Enjoy. your week friends! xo, Sarah
[…] posted up my recent Easter Ideas for with my Mimosa recipe, might be a good idea to eat something tasty too! My mom has been making this Eggs Benedict […]