I didn’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, been there- done that. There once was a time where I would do that, but the Resolutions were things that I had never done before- get healthy, incorporate healthier eating and becoming more active. Sometimes I even have committed to more weekends at church or more date nights. Not to say that I don’t like making New Year Resolutions nor am I swearing them off– don’t take it that way. I LOVE the idea of making a commitment to myself to get better in some area of my life– I LOVE stuff like that.
In the past 5 years or so I have been pretty darn happy with my progress, I have definitely taken the time for self care and improvement, but the past two years have been a little more shaky. Lots of changes in our family that I have needed to navigate on top of starting a business– my own self care has been an up and down road, which I am fine with for new.
Goalsettting is something I have always been something I have been accustomed to and LOVE doing it. I love to see progress and committing to myself to get what I want and achieve in life and for my family.
My Goals this year are to commit to my workouts 5-6 Days per week and Drink my water! My favorite workouts right now are going to CrossFit and my Peloton Bike. I try to do at least 20 minutes to disconnect and have that be my “Me”time. With my water I know it sounds like a big goal, but 100 oz. is what I like to drink a day. I have been traveling so much lately I have not been able to get in everything I want– and I can feel a difference. So when I am home I am really trying to buckle down! I know it sounds so simple but let me tell you it improves me mentally just as much as it does physically!
This look was inspired by those goals, staple athleisure that I feel in style but ready for anything that comes my way! 🙂 Love easy pieces especially this JACKET that looks great with leggings and denim– also these shoes I have heard rave reviews about– and just needed to try! These Zella Brand items available at Nordstrom are great go -to pieces!
What commitments are you making that I can help cheer you on!?

*Thank you to Nordstrom for Sponsoring today’s post- As always all opinions here are my own.