Isn’t Confidence something that we all wish to have, but sometimes we have to “Fake it Till we Make it?” I certainly have done that more times than I would like to admit! There are always seasons of life where I feel like confidence maybe comes easier than others, and definitely there are situational events that can change that in an instant! Being confident doesn’t come easy to everyone- some of us need to work at it and I will say I am definitely one of those people!
Just because I have a Social Media account or talk on Instagram Stories or blog about my life does not mean that I always confident in what I’m putting out there to the world. Actually you might be surprised to know I am a bit of an introvert and a tiny bit shy! I’ll be the first to admit I am awkward sometimes in conversations and I often walk away thinking to myself “Why did you say that Sarah?!” I scold myself and tell myself that whatever it was — I didn’t say that right or that the other person is going to think less of me. Even writing that down makes my heart hurt that I would talk to myself like that, there isn’t another person on this EARTH that I would say that to- so why to myself? I can’t even answer my own question, but what I will say is that when I do recall these conversations with say my husband, his recollection is not the same AT ALL. He will often tell me , and not to toot my horn at all, but he will say that I was funny, kind or quick witted. Interesting how my mind can play tricks on me like that, huh?
Claiming that I have all the answers, or saying that I have the quick tricks to better confidence- No way sister. I am a work in progress. I am full of ups and downs, and it’s OK to say that! What I will say though, is that I DO have a few tricks up my sleeve when I start that talking inside that tears me down.
When I start to feel like I am less than, I try to recognize it first– and take a moment inside to say that this is going on. What I TRY to do– a no, I’m not perfect at it– is that I take a look at all that I have overcome. Whether it be weight loss or speaking in public- I think about the last time I felt this way and what I did to turn it around. Did I feel sick to my stomach to host a party but I did it anyway? Did I have a great time? 10 out of 10 times I am GLAD I did it! I draw back to those experiences and look forward to my new feelings in the moment and tell myself– YES, yes you can.
Another little trick I use, and you might be doing it already, is that I surround myself with honest, caring, and open friends where I can ask them what they thought. BUT the catch here is that they don’t use that as a reason to question my confidence. They know they we can have a friendship that is one built out of building each other up — and being able to say things in an honest and open way. It’s a way to check myself and my attitude, before I go any further! If I don’t have a friend, I’ll ask my husband– I know he’s always game to tell me how it is. 🙂 It’s truly so valuable to me!
The same can be said for when I need to rely on friends to tell me the truth- I can rely on EVEREVE to help me feel my best in what I wear. I have shopped at EVEREVE long before I had this blog, and I have made some of the best friends just out of connecting with women and stylists who understand my needs and are there to help me outfit it. The ladies in store are there to address my concerns and help me feel confident in outfit that I have chosen, whether it be just for outfit updating or a new look for date night. I know they have my back.
At the end of the day, just go for it- because the only one who can do it you. Hold your head high, do something scary, take a risk and see how you feel after. You got this girl! Thank you so much for stopping by, I would love to hear how you work to encourage yourself and be confident in your own life!